
This book is very largely uneditted, and will never be published properly in any form. To encourage voting for my in the Shorty Awards, I'm posting a chapter a day. I hope you enjoy the story, the characters and the similarities to Heroes and X-Men (I am aware there are many - that was kind of the idea when comics were made the same, so it's the same thing here).

Thanks for reading!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Chapter Twelve - Struggle

In the centre of the room was the chair, and the person they had taken. Brock Lewis. Both men that watched over him wore black suits and bowler hats, sunglasses, despite the obvious darkness of the room. Brock was unconscious, a result of an attack neither of the men could perform - an attack on the mind itself. They had experience in physical attributes; one exclusively in speed, the other in both his strength and his speed, though the amount by which they had been augmented was significantly less than the others change.

“What do we do with him?” the second of the men asked. “It’ll be hard to have him join us.”

“Like the boss would want that,” his team-mate scoffed. “There’s only one way.”

“Hannah...” the second man replied. “Should I get her?”

The first man nodded. “We’re not to use her for the others anyway. She may as well be put to some use.” The second man went to leave as the first started speaking again. “I think this is what the Doc wants anyway.” Confirmation only made things easier. Getting Hannah to work on someone wasn’t something they liked to do very often. The first man eyed Brock with anger; he would get his revenge.


Carl sat by Emily’s bed once more. His tears had all dried up; now he had only sympathy for her. He would do anything to save her, and he felt powerless being watchman. He wondered where Brock had disappeared to, whether he had found the woman, Naomi.

A red haired girl ran into the room frantically. “Is that Emily Quigley?” Carl nodded, standing ready to fight the woman. “My name is Edel Mooney. I’m here to save your life.”

Carl lowered his guard. “We’re not in any danger…” He eyed the woman suspiciously. “You were attacked,” he stated. “By the men in black?” She nodded. “I think they were the ones that put her like this,” he explained, placing a hand into Emily’s. “They attacked us, took me, left her open… I should have saved her…”

Edel placed a hand on his shoulder. “It’s not your fault. It can’t be your fault Mr… I’m sorry, I never got your name.”

“Carl. Carl Kenny. How’d you know about Emily?”

“I got a phone call. A man. He said I save her life… but I don’t understand. What’s wrong with her? How can I help?”

As if to answer her question the doors burst open in the hospital, accompanied by howls and screams that echoed through the corridors. Edel tensed up and Carl took a tighter grip on Emily’s hand. A gang of men and women scurried through the hospital, wearing only black clothes around their wild bodies.

They came for Emily.


Lisa’s life was taking yet another twist. Will was behaving strangely; the boy whose thoughts she could hear, was behaving strangely. He knew she was uncomfortable with it, but he hid his reasons for oddness. He hid those few moments from her strictly, preciously. And while she thought about it, she was caught off guard by the ringing of her phone.

"Lisa Reilly?" a man asked. Without waiting for a reply he said to her, "You must block him out. The boy. Do it quickly." She grew nervous but did as instructed.

"Okay... he can't hear you," she told the man. "Who are you?"

"If you'll forgive me... I cannot tell you. You will know in the future. But only if you do precisely as I say. Your friend Will - he's in danger. Grave danger." The man spoke with a wheezy voice. It disturbed Lisa. "He has agreed to take part in something out of his ocntrol. You must help us Lisa, for the future to be saved."

"What do I need to do?" she asked nervously.

"Find Naomi Ryan. She's involved in all of this, with the people Will has agreed to help. You must find her, and save her life. Will you do this for us Lisa?"

I'm just one girl!

"And why can't you?"

The man paused, the eerie sound of his breath wheezing into the phone. "There are complications. But you must do this Lisa. Do it for Will. Set him free from his contract." The phone hung up. Lisa soon came to realise she wasn't given much of a choice in her mission.

Oh Will I could really use your help right now...


He was troubled by her silence. Lisa had never blocked Will before. Not even when she was having a private conversation with her friends. But he had blocked her, like he had done to her. And he realised now why she was so worried. But he couldn't waste time. He used his chance wisely and rang the man in white. "You told me to ring..." he muttered.

"Very good. There is a woman, Naomi Ryan. You must kill her William. Kill her, or we will... remove Ms Reilly from the picture."

Will couldn't belive his ears. But what choice did he have? Sacrifice Lisa? He couldn't let that happen. "I'll do it."

"There's a good boy." The line closed sharply. Will steeled himself for guilt.


01's cell seemed brighter that day. He knew, without a doubt, that the doctors would take action if he didn't. Things had to be done - the demonstration would have to take place. He smirked as they entered - the brutes and the doctor. The shot was in his hand ready. He looked especially proud of himself after he had caused 01 distress. this had to be reprimanded.

"I am ready!" 01 announced dramatically. "The demonstration will take place. Right here, right now!" The doctor lowered the needle curiously. "If these fine gentlemen would simply remove their hands from me... thank you." His grin stretched across his face. With one fluid movement, almost unnatural for his age, he leapt at the doctor, taking him firmly around the head with both hands. He rememebered this feeling of power, of grandeur, of supremacy. He had longed for it. To have his over used abilities return to him. He felt energy flood the doctor - the brutes were afraid to do anything. "He will die if you interfere!" he warned them, almost reading their thoughts.

The docter cried blood from his eyes. It seeped from his ears and his nose. He began to shake as 01's strange ability took its hold on him. When 01 removed his hands the doctor fell to the ground. He continued to shake on the ground, spaziming out of control. 01 smiled as the man's life began to fade away.

"Oh dear," he joked. "It looks like he won't make it. What a shame. Who's next!" he boomed. He flashed wide eyes at the brutes. Fearfully they ran past him and lifted the doctor by his arms and legs out of the room. Armed guards blocked the way for 01 to get out. Three of them, pistols in their hands. The mirror began to lower itself in front of 01 whose laughter echoed hauntingly through the building.

I'm back.


The ferals ravaged the hospital. The nurses screamed, the doctors screamed, the patients fainted. Men and women were killed, children toyed with before being cast aside. The wild men and women in black had taken the hospital and there wasn't a thing anyone could do. Anyone, except Edel.

"I'll hold them off!" she yelled to Carl. "If they get passed me, get out of here. They can't get their hands on her." Carl nodded and she ran from the room. Her heart was pounding.

What am I thinking? How can I do this?

She got her answer straight away. A woman leapt at her. Edel barely had time to raise her hand when a surge of hot energy shot into the woman. Instinctively Edel spun around and scorched another. A man. He had a doctor held tightly by the neck. Or at least he used to. The feral was now buried deep in a wall. "You okay?" Edel asked the doctor. He nodded uncertainly. "You better get out of here. Get as many as you can. They're not here for you."

"Who are you?" he stuttered.

Edel smiled lightly. "I'm one of the good guys." The doctor let out a soft laugh and made for the nurses station. Edel watched him leave, making sure he was okay.

"You should be watching your own back," a voice taunted. Edel spun arond on the spot as the feral leapt at her. She was tackled to the ground by him - he was heavier and stronger than her. She knew she was losing the battle - it didn't take his hands wrapped around her throat for her to realise it. Desperately she clutched at his chest and released a blast. He was thrown into the air, crashing into the ceiling light. When he fell down a few feet away from Edel his chest was blackened.

Edel tried to ignore it and searched for the rest of the ferals. It didn't take long to find they had surrounded her, and the room. She backed into the doorway, keeping an eye on Carl. "We have trouble," she told him.

He knew only one way out. And he couldn't leave her there. "Come on!" he shouted to her and took a hold of her hand. With his other hand holding Emily tightly he teleported them away. The ferals howled in desperation - all three were gone.

Carl was panting for breath when they appeared in a small, dark room less than a second later. Emily had, thankfully, landed on a bed. It was evident that leaving the hospital had caused her some distress. Her body was in shock. Edel and Carl knew it wouldn't be long before something happened.

"We'll have to take turns watching her," Carl said to Edel. "If you don't mind, I mean."

She shook her head. "You saved my life Carl. the least I can do is help you look after her."

What am I going to do?

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